
Aesthetic Gynaecology

Aesthetic Gynaecology

Recapture the beauty of self-confidence

Aesthetic gynaecology is a relatively young specialty of medicine that allows women to change the appearance or function of their intimate body parts. Surgical and non-surgical procedures are both available.

Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal tightening is a surgical technique that tightens the vaginal muscles that have become lax as a result of childbirth, ageing, or hormonal factors. The therapy promises to restore vaginal muscle strength and flexibility, allowing for stronger orgasms, lubrication, and enjoyable intercourse. Vaginal tightening has also been shown to improve women’s confidence by removing concerns like vaginal dryness and stress urine incontinence.


Hymenoplasty, also known as hymen restoration surgery, is a surgical treatment that tries to restore the skin membrane in the lower half of the vaginal canal known as the hymen.


A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the labia minora, which are the skin flaps on either side of the vaginal opening. It should not be performed on girls under the age of 18 because the labia develop during puberty and throughout early adulthood.


A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the labia minora, which are the skin flaps on either side of the vaginal opening. It should not be performed on girls under the age of 18 because the labia develop during puberty and throughout early adulthood.


A clitoroplasty is a surgical procedure that refines or improves the appearance of a woman’s clitoris. It can also be performed to create an artificial clitoris in men undergoing sex reassignment surgery. It is also known as clitoral hood reduction, as it can reduce the size of the clitoral hood in some patients.